
The following variables are supported:


Boolean value indicating if load items from file paths or URLs or just treat files and URLs as plain text.

If set to true this role will attempt to load items from the especified paths and URLs.

If set to false each file path or URL found on packages will be treated as plain text.

This variable is set to true by default.

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik \
    -e "expand=true configuration='/home/username/my-config.yml' titles='packages'"

If you wish to override the value of this variable, specify an item_path and an item_expand attributes when passing the item, the item_path attribute can be used with URLs too:

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik \
    -e "{expand: false,
        packages: [ \
            item_path: '/home/username/my-config.yml', \
            item_expand: false \
        ], titles: 'packages'}"

To prevent any unexpected behaviour, it is recommended to always specify this variable when calling this role.


List of groups to add all users into. Each non-empty username will be added to the groups specified on this variable.

This list can be modified by passing an groups array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{group: [disk, sudo]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - disk
        - sudo

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{group: [disk, sudo]}"


List of packages to install via apt.

This list can be modified by passing a packages array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - gedit
        - rolldice

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages: [gedit, rolldice]}"


List of packages to install via yarn.

This list can be modified by passing a packages_js array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

If you want to install a specific package version, then specify name and version attributes for the package.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{packages_js: [node-red, {name: requests, version: 2.22.0}]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - node-red
        - name: requests
          version: 2.22.0

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages_js: [node-red, {name: requests, version: 2.22.0}]}"


List of packages to install via pip.

This list can be modified by passing a packages_pip array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

If you want to install a specific package version, append the version to the package name.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{packages_pip: ['bottle==0.12.17', 'whisper']}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - bottle==0.12.17
        - whisper

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages_pip: ['bottle==0.12.17', 'whisper']}"


List of packages to purge using apt.

This list can be modified by passing a packages_purge array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{packages_purge: [gedit, rolldice]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - gedit
        - rolldice

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{packages_purge: [gedit, rolldice]}"


If an user do not specifies the password attribute, this password will be setted for that user.

This password will only be setted for new users and do not affects existent users.

This variable defaults to 1234.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{password: 4321}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
      password: 4321

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \


List of repositories to add to the apt sources.

This list can be modified by passing a repositories array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{repositories: [{ \
         name: multimedia, \
         repo: 'deb sid main' \

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - name: multimedia
          repo: deb sid main

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{repositories: [{ \
         name: multimedia, \
         repo: 'deb sid main' \


List of services to enable and start.

This list can be modified by passing a services array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{services: [mosquitto, nginx]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - mosquitto
        - nginx

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{services: [mosquitto, nginx]}"


List of services to stop and disable.

This list can be modified by passing a services_disable array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{services_disable: [mosquitto, nginx]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - mosquitto
        - nginx

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{services_disable: [mosquitto, nginx]}"


URL or list of URLs pointing to git skeleton repositories containing layouts of directories and configuration files.

Each URL on system_skeleton will be checked to see if it points to a valid git repository, and if it does, the git repository is cloned.

The contents of each cloned repository will then be copied to the root of the filesystem as a simple method to apply system-wide configuration.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton: [item_path:, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton:, expand: false}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - item_path:
          item_expand: false
        - item_path:
          item_expand: false

# Or:
# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
      expand: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton: [item_path:, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{system_skeleton: [], expand: false}"


Boolean variable that defines if a system full upgrade is performed or not.

If set to true a full system upgrade is executed.

This variable is set to true by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
      upgrade: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \


List of users to be created. Each non-empty username listed on users will be created.

This list can be modified by passing an users array when including the role on a playbook or via –extra-vars from a terminal.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{users: [mary, jhon]}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - mary
        - jhon

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{users: [mary, jhon]}"


URL or list of URLs pointing to git skeleton repositories containing layouts of directories and configuration files.

Each URL on system_skeleton will be checked to see if it points to a valid git repository, and if it does, the git repository is cloned.

The contents of each cloned repository will then be copied to each user home directory.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [item_path:, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [], expand: false}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - item_path:
          item_expand: false

# Or:
# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
      expand: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [item_path:, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_skeleton: [], expand: false}"


Absolute file path or URL to a .yml file containing ansible tasks to execute.

Each file or URL on this variable will be checked to see if it exists and if it does, the task is executed.

This variable is empty by default.

# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [item_path:, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# Including from terminal.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [], expand: false}"

# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
        - item_path:
          item_expand: false

# Or:
# Including on a playbook.
- hosts: servers
    - role: constrict0r.basik
      expand: false

# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [item_path:, item_expand: false]}"

# Or:
# To a playbook from terminal.
ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml -K -e \
    "{user_tasks: [], expand: false}"


Absolute file path or URL to a .yml file that contains all or some of the variables supported by this role.

It is recommended to use a .yml or .yaml extension for the configuration file.

This variable is empty by default.

# Using file path.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \

# Using URL.
ansible localhost -m include_role -a name=constrict0r.basik -K -e \

To see how to write a configuration file see the YAML file format section.